approximate function中文什么意思

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  1. In the finite element method, one of the restrictions on the approximating functions is relaxed .
  2. When adding an entropy function as regularizing term to the lagrangian function , we obtain a smooth approximate function for m ( x ) , which turns out to be the exponential penalty function
    当将熵函数作为正则项加到拉格朗日函数上,我们得到了逐点逼近于m ( x )的光滑函数。经证明,该函数即为指数罚函数。
  3. By constructing approximate functions and using prior estimate and conversion of variable , it is proved that the inverse problem has weak solution for given initial value , boundary value and the oil output
  4. Ph linearization method is employed to solve a nonlinear reynolds equation for a steady state and micro - scale flow field , and the approximate function expressions of gas dynamic pressure and velocity in the spiral groove are obtained
  5. 2 . for the problem with size , stress and displacement constraints , the stress constraint is transformed into movable lower bounds of sizes , the displacement constraint is transformed into an approximate function which explicitly includes design variables by using mohr integral theory . a mathematical programming model of the optimization problem is set up . the dual programming of the model is approached into a quadratic programming model
    2 .对于尺寸、应力和位移约束的问题,将应力约束化为动态下限,用单位虚荷载方法将位移约束近似显式化,构造优化问题的数学规划模型,将其对偶规划处理为二次规划问题,采用lemke算法进行求解,得到满足尺寸、应力和位移约束条件的截面最优解。


  1. approximate figure 什么意思
  2. approximate formula 什么意思
  3. approximate formule 什么意思
  4. approximate fourcentered ellipse 什么意思
  5. approximate frequency 什么意思
  6. approximate gain estimation procedure 什么意思
  7. approximate graphical method 什么意思
  8. approximate integration 什么意思
  9. approximate integration rules 什么意思
  10. approximate interpolation 什么意思


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